Tag: Process

  • My writing journey

    I’m posting a series on Medium aimed at showing writers of (ahem) a certain age how they, too, can write their stories. My second post went up this morning. I began the series last week. I welcome your thoughts and comments.

  • Stepping back from the first draft

    There’s nothing like letting your first draft sit for a week or two. The plot is unrolling in my mind, and I see numerous things I need to change, omit, and add, things you don’t see when you’re deep in the weeds.

  • Putting yourself in the picture

    What was life like in a middle-class Toronto neighborhood in the 1940s? I don’t know, but for a work-in-progress, I need to find out. Yet there’s surprisingly little information available on what is outwardly a banal topic. Enter Quora. If you’re not familiar with it, Quora is a site where you can ask a question…

  • I get my best ideas while walking

    As I explained in an earlier post, I do my best writing in the early morning. When I’m finished, I put it aside and do something else until the following morning. I walk two miles each day, weather permitting. Since beginning my novel, I’ve found that this daily forty minute constitutional gives me ideas that…

  • When to write?

    Writing coaches advise aspiring authors to develop a regular work habit, a routine that ensures that there is time set aside each day for writing. Stephen King claims that he writes every day except Christmas and his birthday, to which a friend replied that King was lying, that he writes on Christmas and his birthday…